about Exhausted Futures

about Exhausted Futures

Digital Projection

Dimensions Variable


The public imagination of the mid-20th century looked forward to a future of flying cars, teleportation, deep-space travel—technologies designed for moving bodies through space more efficiently and at greater distances. Realized technologies of the time were aligned to this goal as well, as evidenced by the creation of the freeway system, jet engine and space programs. However, the physical transport of bodies has changed little in the decades since. Instead, our greatest advancement has been in the near instantaneous movement of information to static bodies.


Exhausted Futures is a digital projection of slow pans across digital collages made from my own photographs. Borrowing the spare and brightly lit visual language of science fiction from the middle of the 20th century, I created spaces that are reminiscent of the architecture of this past vision of a future of bodily movement. By confusing scale, orientation and function, these fictional spaces point to the abandonment of that vision and the supersedence of the virtual over the physical.

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